Biotechnology is the only way to feed that growing population, by increasing yields to get more food from less land. GMOs mean cheaper, more plentiful food to fight hunger in the Third World. It also cuts costs for consumers and raises livelihoods for farmers in developed countries. 1. ENVIRONMENTAL RISK. GMOs are a serious risk to the environment May 22, · Cassidy () critiques the argument that GMOs can feed a rapidly growing global population this month in an Environmental Working Group paper. The author contrasts the reported need for a doubling in food supply in the next 50 years with the progress up to now in GMO crops, which primarily feeds “cows and cars” while expanding social inequity through monopolization and profit Argumentative Essay On Genetically Modified Food. Words7 Pages. For years, the health and safety of genetically modified foods have been debated and researched by scientists, but the question still stands: should genetically modified foods be allowed for consumption?
GMO Facts – The Non-GMO Project
GMO Food The process of genetic modification of an organism Genetic modification of an organism is the process by which the genes of an organism are altered to introduce useful genes that are believed to help it to grow and thrive in any given condition. The genes contain DNA, argumentative essay about gmos, a basic building block of all living organisms that is responsible for the presence or absence of certain traits or characteristics and modification of these genes creates new traits in the plants.
The genetic modification of a crop begins with the isolation of genes that are proved to have certain characteristics so that the same traits can be induced in other crops. The next step is to insert the gene into another crop and the most common technique is through a process called recombinant DNA that transfers the genes through the plasmids, argumentative essay about gmos.
Particle bombardment is another technique used to transfer the…. References Organic Consumers Organization. Millions against Monsanto. cfm Institute of Responsible Technology. no date. State-of-the-Science on the health risks of genetically modified foods. pdf US Food and Drug Administration. FDA News Release. htm Whitman, Deborah. April Genetically Modified Foods: Helpful or harmful? Food There are many different controversies with respect to food, among them issues about long-run food security, about different health issues related to food including added salt and trans-fats, or on the positive side the value of highly-nutritious superfoods.
But probably the biggest subject of public debate with respect to food these days relates to GMOs, or genetically-modified organisms. They are almost always banned in Europe, argumentative essay about gmos, but in the U. not only are they not banned, but they are not labelled, and they make up a significant portion of the food supply. org, argumentative essay about gmos, This paper will argue that genetically modified foods should be labeled, in argumentative essay about gmos to allow consumers to make up their own….
References Entine, J. Why liberal Americans are turning against GMO labeling. Global review of the field testing and commercialization of transgenic plants. International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech applications. pdf Martineau, argumentative essay about gmos, B. First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Foods.
New York: McGraw-Hill. Morris, F. Monsanto GMO ignites big seed war. This toxin is currently used as a conventional insecticide in agriculture and is safe for human consumption," WHO This begs the question: if the "toxin" is safe, then why is it called a toxin?
With similar grim irony, biotechnology companies are inserting viruses and bacteria into plants too. Theoretically, these alterations to the genetic structure of the plant are "safe," but there have been no longitudinal studies showing that introducing toxins, bacteria, and viruses into the food chain deliberately will have net positive effects. As of now, "no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved," WHO The effects on human DNA have yet to be seen.
Clearly the impetus to alter plant genes is a financial one. Increasing crop yields is code argumentative essay about gmos improving profits. In a…. References Green Facts Scientific Facts on Genetically Modified Crops, argumentative essay about gmos. htm 0 WebMD n. Are Biotech Foods Safe to Eat?
Food Ethics One might think that there are not a lot of ethical standards and policies that could and do apply when it comes to the manufacturing and selling of food. However, that is far from being the case and this has been true for a rather long time.
Whether it be whether the food is genetically modified, the country of origin for a food, when the food expires, how the food is generally labeled and so forth, people that manufacture or sell food products have a litany of ethical standards and rules that they can and should follow.
Indeed, the safety of the consumers are in play and there are also some "right to know" factors involved that consumers have a right to. While some people overplay their hand when it comes to the ethical selling of food, there are absolutely some valid concerns and they should be argumentative essay about gmos. References Dean, A.
Local Produce vs. Global Trade. GMO backers dismiss danger fears. Genetically Modified Organisms Technology GMO Gentically Modified Organisms A Genetically Modified Organism GMO is any organism that has had its genetic makeup altered by humans Ahmed, The organism could be an animal, plant, or microorganism. The changing of the genetic code could involve subtracting, adding, or altering. All these changes could be from the same species or different species, which would give the organism characteristics that it does not have normally.
GMO technology is widely used for scientific research and in the production of foods and goods. A GMO results from the laboratory process of extracting genes from the DNA of a species and forcing the genes into an unrelated plant or animal's genes. The foreign genes come from viruses, bacteria, animals, insects, or even humans, argumentative essay about gmos. GMOs allow for the production of organisms with desired biological traits or favor the argumentative essay about gmos of some desired traits.
Conventional crop farming, livestock…. References Ahmed, F. Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods. TRENDS in Biotechnology, argumentative essay about gmos, 20 5 Bowring, F. Therapeutic and reproductive cloning: a critique. Burton, M. Consumer attitudes to genetically modified organisms in food in the UK. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 28 4 Curtis, K. Argumentative essay about gmos acceptance of genetically modified food products in the developing world.
GMO has been touted by companies like Monsanto as safe and cost-effective, providing food solutions for millions of people in developed and under-developed countries. However, new research indicates GMO foods may not be as safe as believed. Laws like the GMO food labeling bill passed in allow consumers to be informed in what ingredients comprise their favorite food products.
Because GMO foods are not healthy. Thesis: Studies show the deleterious effects of long-term exposure to GMO foods especially foods that contain the weed killer, Roundup and yet Monsanto refuses to state the truth and in fact, lobbies to change labeling brought on by the food-labeling bill going on its end-stage summer, Problems: Overview The GMO food labeling bill, which requires final rules by July 29, may allow companies to place QR codes rather than clear, on-package labeling, decreasing label efficacy and preventing millions of Americans from….
References Derber, C. Corporation nation: How corporations are taking over our lives and what we can do about it. Duke, S. Herbicide-Resistant Crops: Agricultural, Argumentative essay about gmos, Environmental, Regulatory, and Technological Aspects.
Milton: CRC Press. Proposed GMO Food Labeling Could Leave Million Americans in the Dark. html FoodSafety. Places 21st in Ranking of World Food Systems Food Safety News. Essentials of environmental science.
New York: W. Freeman and Company. Howlett, M. Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies: Lessons from European, North American and Asian Experiences. Florence: Taylor and Francis. Janssens, L. Stronger effects of Roundup than its active ingredient glyphosate in damselfly larvae.
Aquatic Toxicology, Monsanto Hires Former Senator As Lobbyist. labelling GMO foods in Hawaii, where there have been several initiatives to curtail the use -- or at least to force the disclosure of GMO labelling and other transparency issues. Gillam describes a ballot measure on Maui seeking to suspend the production of GMO crops on the island.
It is noted that there is little transparency with respect to these crops. Many of the genetic changes are done to make the crops resistant to aggressive pesticides, argumentative essay about gmos, and this contributes to health and environmental dangers.
How to Write an Argumentative Essay - Counter Paragraph
, time: 4:22Are GMOs safe? Yes. The case against them is full of fraud, lies, and errors.
Biotechnology is the only way to feed that growing population, by increasing yields to get more food from less land. GMOs mean cheaper, more plentiful food to fight hunger in the Third World. It also cuts costs for consumers and raises livelihoods for farmers in developed countries. 1. ENVIRONMENTAL RISK. GMOs are a serious risk to the environment Argumentative Essay: Genetically Modified Food Debate phrase that has been torn from the headlines and is guaranteed to spark a debate is “genetically modified foods.” Not only foods, genetically modified organisms as a whole ignites continuous discussions between scientists who are either for them or May 22, · Cassidy () critiques the argument that GMOs can feed a rapidly growing global population this month in an Environmental Working Group paper. The author contrasts the reported need for a doubling in food supply in the next 50 years with the progress up to now in GMO crops, which primarily feeds “cows and cars” while expanding social inequity through monopolization and profit
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