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By Signing up, you agree to our privacy policy, bj homework helper. Education World offers new technology content every day. Some of our pieces related to technology tools can be found in this archive. We do update these articles regularly, but given the changing nature of technology, bj homework helper cannot promise that every piece will be on the cutting edge, bj homework helper.
Please visit our technology front page for the latest, most up-to-date tech stories. Social Media in the Classroom? In this information age, we can now talk to each other in ways we never imagined. Teachers and administrators face a new challenge, however, as they try to find a way to safely incorporate this technology in the classroom. Five for Fun Lots of image generators are available on the Web. Most are free and easy to use -- so easy even a technology director can manage them.
Here are five of my favorites. Hardware and Software Essentials We asked members of the Education World Tech Team to tell us what hardware and software they consider essential -- or invaluable -- for todays educator?
Discover what they told us. Podcast for Free on a PC Don't let Mac users have all the fun. Teachers and students can record, upload, and share online recordings called podcasts using just a classroom computer or even a phone. Tech Tools for Teachers Members bj homework helper the Education World Tech Team talk about the technology tools they find most useful in their professional lives, and the technology they use most successfully with students.
Integrating Technology and Science Discover how technology enhances the science program in the Greece Central School District, Rochester, New York. Tech Conferences: For Geeks Only? Afraid you're not techie enough for a tech conference? Think again! Four classroom teachers share how attending a national tech conference impacted their teaching and networking.
What Every Teacher Should Know About Technology Ed-tech professor Bernie Poole identifies six essential technology-related skills every good teacher should possess -- or acquire. Technology an Educator Can Love We asked members of the Education World Tech Team to tell us about the best hardware and software introduced to their schools or districts this year - and to explain how the new technology has improved teacher productivity or student learning.
Bj homework helper Solutions for Special Kids Members of the Education World Tech Team discuss the technology they use to help students with special needs keep up with their classmates, and to help students with special abilities extend their learning beyond the standard curriculum, bj homework helper.
Using the Internet When it's educational material you want, searching with an educational engine will save you time and point you in the right direction, bj homework helper.
Discover some of the best. The Best Search Engines If you're frustrated by search engines that give you unrelated responses if you're spending too much time looking for online resources if you're worried students might access the wrong kind of information these search engines can help you find pertinent, accurate, and safe information.
Accessibility Tools The NEA reports that, as ofnearly every U. Learn about the new technologies that make it possible for those students to work alongside their classmates, bj homework helper.
It's Elementary, bj homework helper, My Dear Watson! Bj homework helper -- or Web logging -- most often is thought of as an activity for high school students. Did you know, however, that students as young as kindergarten now blog on a daily basis?
Read on to learn more! Included: More than two-dozen links to blogging software and to elementary blogs across the United States. Tech Tips for Tots How and when should toddlers use technology? Learn what early childhood experts say is appropriate technology use for children agesand discover six ways to use technology wisely with young children.
Show is Better than Tell Helping all students learn from computer textbooks means changing how those textbooks are written. At least that's what one Department of Education study discovered. Learn what computer teachers who work with students with special needs had to say about illustration-based classroom materials. Included: Information about how you can participate in a follow-up study, bj homework helper. Three Keys to Implementing a Bj homework helper Program With administrators, tech support, parent volunteers, bj homework helper, classroom teachers, and even student tech leaders pitching in, Connecticut's Thomas Edison Bj homework helper School recently issued every one of the school's 6th graders a laptop computer.
How did they do it? The Best K Freeware Are you anxious to teach with technology, but find yourself short of computer resources? Did all your district's technology funds go to hardware -- leaving little money left over for educational software?
Discover the variety of quality freeware available online -- and learn which ones the Education World Tech Team voted as their favorite finds! Videoconferencing Deserves a Second Look! Better and cheaper technology, combined with the rapidly growing availability of videoconferencing sites, have made this learning tool affordable and accessible to most K classrooms.
In this Education World interview, videoconferencing expert Jan Zanetis shares tips and cautions for making your first video conference a real success. Speaking of Electronic Whiteboards Combine the touch screen capability of a video game with the drawing flexibility of whiteboard markers and what do you get? Electronic whiteboards! Discover how K teachers are using these devices in almost every subject area, bj homework helper, and learn what you should consider before purchasing one yourself.
Online Teacher Tools Stumped for ideas, templates, or other classroom management tools? We've compiled some of bj homework helper favorite online teacher tools --Web sites with interactive templates and other resources for K educators -- to help you when time is short. Laptops, Handhelds, or Tablet PCs?
Which mobile computing device is best for data collection? For Web searches? For grade books? For collaborative activities? Which is most practical; most usable; most economical? The Education World Tech Team shares its thoughts about how each mobile computing device might help teachers teach and students learn.
Included: The plusses and minuses of laptops, handhelds, and Tablet PCs. One-To-One Computing: Lessons Learned and Pitfalls to Avoid Just because a technology is available for students doesn't mean it has to be used all the time. Find out what the research says about the benefits of one-to-one computing, bj homework helper, and read about educator concerns about the overuse of technology.
The on One-to-One Computing In classrooms across the United States, laptops, handhelds, and tablet PCs are replacing pens and pencils as the accepted "tools of bj homework helper trade" for students. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each of those one-to-one computing devices. Voice of Experience: Log On to a Blog Emerging online communication tools have the potential to unleash a new level of creative thought in the classroom.
Educator Brenda Dyck shares her recent experiences with an online journaling tool called a blog. Included: Blogging resources, bj homework helper. Sites to See: Software Selecting the right software for yourself, bj homework helper, your students, or your curriculum can be a daunting task.
These sites offer articles, downloads, publishers' specials, and product news, bj homework helper, reviews, and ratings to help make easier the job of selecting just the right software. Twenty sites to help ease the frustration of choosing software. Using Satellites to Track Wandering Students Losing a child, especially in a crowded, unfamiliar place, is every parent and teacher's nightmare -- and a real concern during fieldtrips. Now, bj homework helper, a wristwatch-size Global Positioning System receiver can allow students to be tracked and located within minutes, bj homework helper.
Wire Side Chat: Technology Innovation and K Education Hewlett-Packard education technology expert George W. Warren reveals the latest technology tools and trends and discusses their possible applications in K classrooms. Voice of Experience: Make Time to Bj homework helper -- Ten Tools for Reducing Paperwork What happens when paperwork starts to crowd out time with students?
Is there a way to streamline the forms that can take over a teacher's life? Educator Brenda Dyck has found ten online tools that help her reduce paperwork and give her more time to teach. Voice of Experience: Seeing is Believing -- Harnessing Online Video Clips to Enhance Learning Educator Brenda Dyck reflects on the Net as a valuable source of video that brings history to life for her students.
For students of the video- and technology-age, seeing is believing! Included: Dyck recommends great sources of online video! Keep Your Computer Healthy As winter flu season approaches, many of us head to doctors offices to be inoculated against the insidious viruses that threaten our physical health.
How many of us, however, remember to visit a tech specialist to inoculate our computers against the insidious pests that threaten to infect them year round. Too busy for an office visit?
Education World makes house calls! Get the Digital Camera! Discover two dozen digital camera activities guaranteed to make life easier for you and more interesting for your students.
Digital Cameras Can Make Your Day Teachers across the country and around the world are discovering the many valuable uses for digital cameras; uses that both engage students and make their own professional lives easier, bj homework helper. If you can use a camera, you can use a digital camera so, bj homework helper, what are you waiting for?
Technology Integration Made Easy Nineteen activities and nearly 50 Web sites to help you integrate technology into your daily routines. Motivate Bj homework helper You Integrate Technology: Online Assessment Integrating technology can seem like a formidable task to the K bj homework helper. But what if there was a way to bring computers into the curriculum bj homework helper saving time and engaging the learner? Online assessment can provide the regular classroom teacher with a painless and productive tool for testing with technology.
Education World shows you how! Load 'Em Up: Reference Software Picks The Education World Tech Team shares its picks of the best software programs for classroom use. In this article, our experts reveal their choices for reference software.
Don't miss the rest of this multi-part Ed World series: Load 'Em Up: The Best Software in the Education World!
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