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At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Quantum control theory QCT is concerned with the active manipulation of phys- ical and chemical processes on the atomic and molecular scale. For a specified con- trol objective, and with restrictions imposed by many possible constraints, the time- dependent field required to manipulate the system in a desired way can be designed using quantum control theory.
This dissertation proposes several novel applications of QCT to actively manipulate the dynamics of both quantum and classical systems with and without interactions with an external environment, dissertation and time scale, in both relativistic and non-relativistic regimes.
In Chapter 2, the paradigm of spectral dynamic mimicry SDM in which laser fields are shaped to make any atomic and molecular systems dissertation and time scale identical spectrally is put forward. SDM successfully avoids optimization rou- tines, dissertation and time scale, and provides a powerful tool to find a laser pulse that induces a desired optical response from an arbitrary dynamical system. As illustrations, driving fields are com- puted to induce the same optical response from a variety of distinct systems open and closed, quantum and classical.
The formulation may also be dissertation and time scale to design materials with specified optical characteristics.
These findings reveal unexplored flex- ibilities of nonlinear optics. Little is known about the control of relativistic quantum systems. Therefore, an extension of QCT to the Dirac equation is proposed. The main contributions are: i Chapters 3 and 4 reach an unprecedented level of control while providing exciting new insights on the complex quantum dynamics of relativis- tic electrons.
The method developed provides a very powerful tool to generate new analytical solutions to the Dirac equation, ii Chapters 5 and 6 present an open system interaction formalism for the Dirac equation.
The presented framework en- ables efficient numerical simulations of relativistic dynamics within the von Neumann density matrix and Wigner phase space descriptions, an essential requirement for the application of QCT, iii Chapter 7 proposes a Lindblad model of quantum elec- trodynamics QED. The presented formalism enables a very efficient and practical numerical method to simulate QED effects, such as the Lamb shift and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, for a broad variety of systems.
Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles 10 Casas, Villalba Isabel. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to estimate the volatility function of continuoustime stochastic models.
This estimation is studied from two different perspectives: a assuming that the volatility of the stock market indexes displays shortrange dependence SRDand b extending the previous model for processes with longrange dependence LRDintermediaterange dependence IRD or SRD. Under the efficient market hypothesis EMHthe dissertation and time scale of the Vasicek, the CIR, the Anh and Gao, and the CKLS models with the stock market indexes is being tested. Nonparametric techniques are presented to test the affinity of these parametric volatility functions with the volatility observed from the data.
Under the assumption of possible statistical patterns in the volatility dissertation and time scale, a new estimation procedure based on the Whittle estimation is proposed. This procedure is theoretically and empirically proven. In addition, dissertation and time scale, its application to the stock market indexes provides interesting results. Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, dissertation and time scale, and other styles Abstract: Concepción is the most active composite volcano in Nicaragua, and is located on Ometepe Island, within Lake Nicaragua.
Moderate to small volcanic explosions with a volcanic explosivity index VEI of have been characteristic of this volcano during the last four decades. Although its current activity is not violent, its volcanic deposits reveal stages of violent activity involving Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions that deposited vast amounts of volcanic tephra in the Atlantic Ocean. These observations, together with the 31, people living on the island, make Concepción volcano an important target for volcanological research.
My research focuses on the investigation of the stability of the volcano edifice of Concepción, using geophysical data such as gravity, dissertation and time scale, geodetic global positioning system GPSsulphur dioxide SO2 flux, real-time seismic amplitude RSAMand satellite remotely-sensed data, dissertation and time scale.
The integration of these data sets provides information about the short-term behavior of Concepción, and some insights into the volcano's long-term behavior. This study has provided, for the first time, information about the shallow dynamics of Concepción on time scales of days to weeks. I furnish evidence that this volcano is not gravitationally spreading in a continuous fashion as previously thought, that its bulk average density is comparable to that of a pile of gravel, that the volcano edifice is composed of two major distinctive lithologies, that the deformation dissertation and time scale around the volcano is recoverable in a matter of days, and that the deformation source is located in the shallow crust.
This source is also degassing through the relatively open magmatic conduit. There are, however, several remaining questions. Although the volcano is not spreading continuously there is the possibility that gravitational spreading may be taking place in a stick-slip fashion, dissertation and time scale.
This has important implications for slope stability of the volcano, and the associated hazards. The factors influencing the long term slope stability of the volcano are still not fully resolved, but internal volcanic processes and anthropogenic disturbances appear to be the major factors.
Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, dissertation and time scale, ISO, and other styles Abstract: Earlier studies suggest that emotion affects long duration estimates of seconds and more, but how emotions affect shorter events is not well known.
The aim of the thesis was to investigate how emotion, in terms of emotional Valence and Arousal, affects subjective time estimates of short sub-second and long half-a-minute durations. Afterwards they made long duration estimates Long Time Estimates: LTE and ratings of Valence and Arousal of every video clip. Significant results were that Arousal affected LTE estimates, with longer LTE estimates, the higher the Arousal level.
The results indicate that Arousal, but not Valence, affects subjective time perception both of short and long durations. Tidigare studier antyder att emotioner påverkar uppskattningen av långa durationer på sekunder, men hur emotioner påverkar kortare durationer är mindre känt.
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur emotioner, i form av emotionell Valens och Arousal, påverkar subjektiva tidsestimat av korta sub-sekund och långa halv-minuts durationer. Efteråt utförde de långa durationsestimat långtidsestimat: LTE och skattningar av Valens och Arousal för samtliga videoklipp. Signifikanta resultat var att Arousal gav längre durationsskattningar för LTE estimaten, med längre LTE estimat, ju högre Arousal-nivå.
Resultaten indikerar att Arousal, men inte Valens, påverkar subjektiv tidsuppfattning för både korta och långa durationer. Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles Abstract: This thesis is a collection of three different research contributions targeted towards providing faster message authentication for long messages which have been recently accepted or submitted for publication. The dissertation and time scale research work explores properties of Multiple Input Shift Register MISR as a universal hash function.
We implemented a fixed length message authentication code MAC based on MISR in software. Signing or verification time of new MAC is two order less compared to existing MAC. The second contribution is a variable length MAC based on MISR for use in smart grid networks. We prove security of the MAC scheme and analyze its performance pertaining to smart grid application.
The third contribution suggests use of one-time signatures OTS from sigma protocols for multicast authentication in smart grid. The proposed scheme yields three order improvements in time dissertation and time scale at a very modest increase in signature size compared to currently best known OTS scheme, dissertation and time scale.
Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles Abstract: Thesis Ph. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Includes bibliographical references leaves In the last decade, gyrokinetic simulations have greatly improved our theoretical understanding of turbulent transport in fusion devices.
Most gyrokinetic models dissertation and time scale use are [sigma]f simulations in which the slowly varying radial profiles of density and temperature are assumed to be constant for turbulence saturation times, and only the turbulent electromagnetic fluctuations are calculated.
Due to the success of these models, dissertation and time scale, new massive simulations are being built to self-consistently determine the radial profiles of density and temperature.
However, these new codes have failed to realize that modern gyrokinetic formulations, dissertation and time scale, composed of a gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck equation and a gyrokinetic quasineutrality equation, are only valid for [sigma]f simulations that do not reach the longer transport time scales necessary to evolve radial profiles.
In tokamaks, due to axisymmetry, the evolution of the axisymmetric radial electric field is a challenging problem requiring substantial modifications to gyrokinetic treatments. The radial electric field, closely related to plasma flow, is known to have a considerable impact on turbulence saturation, and any self-consistent global simulation of turbulent transport needs an accurate procedure to determine it. In this thesis, I study the effect of turbulence on the global electric field and plasma flows.
By studying the current conservation equation, or vorticity equation, I prove that the long wavelength, dissertation and time scale, axisymmetric flow must remain neoclassical and I show that the tokamak is intrinsically ambipolar, i. Intrinsic ambipolarity is the origin of the problems with the modern gyrokinetic approach since the lower order gyrokinetic quasineutrality if properly evaluated is effectively independent of the radial electric field. I propose a new gyrokinetic formalism in which, instead of a quasineutrality equation, a current conservation equation or vorticity equation is solved.
The vorticity equation makes the time scales in the problem explicit and shows that the radial electric field is determined by the conservation of toroidal angular momentum. by Félix Ignacio Parra Díaz. Full text Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles Abstract: Seismic, deformation, and gas activity unrest typically precedes volcanic eruptions.
Successful volcanic event forecasting depends on the quality of the surveillance network for detecting any changes in volcano behaviour. To interpret the geochemical and geophysical precursors correctly it is important to understand the volcanic processes that occur prior and during volcanic eruptions. Dissertation and time scale knowledge of the volcano internal structure, the rheology of the magmas, the time scales of the processes occurring at depth and the characteristics of past unrest episodes, must be combined with an adequate monitoring network to improve the volcanic hazard forecast.
However, these aspects have received little attention in monogenetic volcanoes, dissertation and time scale. The aim of my PhD Thesis is to improve our understanding on monogenetic volcanism, its causes and dynamics, and to help anticipating the volcanic activity.
I have focused on three main aspects of this problem. The first one is the calculation of the rheological properties of magmas during mixing. The second dissertation and time scale I have addressed are the processes and time scales that lead to monogenetic eruptions with the aim to better interpret volcanic unrest and improve eruption forecasts.
Finally, I have investigated the seismic unrest periods of historical monogenetic eruptions from a compilation of historical accounts worldwide. The results provide a conceptual framework for better anticipating monogenetic eruptions and should lead to improved strategies for mitigation of their associated hazards and risks.
Las erupciones volcánicas están generalmente precedidas por la actividad sísmica, la deformación y la desgasificación unrest. El éxito en la predicción del evento volcánico depende de la calidad de la red de vigilancia para detectar cualquier cambio en el comportamiento del volcán. Para interpretar los precursores geoquímicos y geofísicos correctamente es importante entender los procesos volcánicos que ocurren antes y durante las erupciones volcánicas.
El conocimiento en detalle de la estructura interna del volcán, la reología de los magmas, las escalas de tiempo de los procesos que ocurren en profundidad y las características de los episodios pasados de unrest, debe combinarse con una red de vigilancia adecuada para mejorar el pronóstico de los eventos volcánicos.
Sin embargo, estos aspectos han recibido poca atención en los volcanes monogenéticos. El objetivo de mi tesis doctoral es mejorar nuestra comprensión sobre el vulcanismo monogenético, dissertation and time scale causas y su dinámica, con el objetivo de mejorar la posibilidad de anticiparse a la actividad volcánica.
Me he centrado en tres aspectos principales de este problema. El primero es el cálculo de las propiedades reológicas de los magmas durante los eventos de mezcla. El segundo aspecto es el estudio de los procesos, junto con sus escalas temporales, que llevan dissertation and time scale erupciones dissertation and time scale con el fin de interpretar mejor la actividad volcánica y mejorar los pronósticos de una erupción.
Por último, he investigado los períodos de unrest sísmico de erupciones monogenéticas históricas en todo el mundo mediante una compilación de documentos históricos. Los resultados proporcionan un marco conceptual que permite mejorar la predicción de erupciones monogenéticas y deberían conducir a mejores estrategias para mitigar sus peligros y riesgos asociados.
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