The Phoenix Program (Vietnamese: Chiến dịch Phụng Hoàng) was a program designed and initialy coordinated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Vietnam War, involving the American, Australian and South Vietnamese militaries. In , CIA responsibility was phased out and the program was put under the authority of the Civil Operations and Revolutionary wordstxt - Free ebook download as Text File .txt), PDF File .pdf) or read book online for free List of Amc - Free ebook download as Word Doc .doc /.docx), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free. List of MAC
Paul Wolfowitz - Wikipedia
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz born December 22, is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World BankU. Deputy Secretary of DefenseU. Ambassador to Indonesiaand former dean of Johns Hopkins SAIS, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger. He is doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He was an early advocate of the Iraq War and has widely been described as an architect of the war.
Inhe left the Pentagon to serve as president of the World Bank only to resign after two years over a scandal involving allegations he used his position to help World Bank staffer Shaha Riza to whom he was romantically linked. The second child of Jacob Wolfowitz b. Warsaw; — and Lillian Dundes, Paul Wolfowitz was born in Brooklyn, New Yorkinto a Polish Jewish immigrant family, and grew up mainly in Ithaca, New Yorkwhere his father was a professor of doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger theory at Cornell University.
were forged by family history and in the halls of academia rather than in the jungles of Vietnam or the corridors of Congress left new country Poland after World War I and after years of partitions. The rest of his father's family perished in the Holocaust. In the mids, while they were both undergraduate students at Cornell residing at the Cornell Branch of the Telluride Associationhe met Clare Selginwho later became an anthropologist. They married inhad three children and lived in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
They separated inand, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, according to some sources, became legally separated in and divorced in In lateWolfowitz began dating Shaha Riza. Their relationship led to controversy later, during his presidency of the World Bank Group. Wolfowitz speaks five languages in addition to English: ArabicFrenchGerman doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, Hebrewdoctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger Indonesian.
Wolfowitz entered Cornell University in He lived in the Telluride House in andwhile philosophy professor Allan Bloom served as a faculty mentor living in the house, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger. Philip Randolph [15] [17] Wolfowitz was a member of the Quill and Dagger society.
Wolfowitz graduated in with a B. in mathematics. Against his father's wishes, Wolfowitz decided to go to graduate school to study political science. InWolfowitz received a Ph, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger. in political science from the University of Chicagowriting his doctoral dissertation on Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East: The Politics and Economics of Proposals for Nuclear Desalting.
At the University of Chicago, Wolfowitz took two courses with Leo Strauss. He completed his dissertation under Albert Wohlstetter. While finishing his dissertation, Wolfowitz taught in the department of political science at Yale University from to ; one of his students was future colleague Scooter Libby. In the s, Wolfowitz and Perle served as aides to proto- neoconservative Democratic Senator Henry M.
A Cold War liberalJackson supported higher military spending and a hard line against the Soviet Union alongside more traditional Democratic causes, such as social welfare programs, civil rights, and labor unions. InUS President Richard Nixon doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, under pressure from Senator Jackson, dismissed the head of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACDA and replaced him with Fred Ikle.
Ikle brought in a new team that included Wolfowitz. While at ACDA, Wolfowitz wrote research papers and drafted testimony, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, as he had previously done at the Committee to Maintain a Prudent Defense Policy.
He traveled with Ikle to strategic arms limitations talks in Paris and other European cities. He also helped dissuade South Korea from reprocessing plutonium that could be diverted into a clandestine weapons program. Under President Gerald Fordthe American intelligence agencies came under attack over their annually published National Intelligence Estimate.
According to Mann, "The underlying issue was whether the C. and other agencies were underestimating the threat from the Soviet Union, either by intentionally tailoring intelligence to support Kissinger 's policy of détente or by simply failing to give enough weight to darker interpretations of Soviet intentions. Bush formed a committee of anti- Communist experts, headed by Richard Pipesto reassess the raw data.
Based on the recommendation of Perle, Pipes picked Wolfowitz for this committee, which was later called Team B. The team's report, which was leaked to the press, stated that "all the evidence points to an undeviating Soviet commitment to what is euphemistically called the 'worldwide triumph of socialism,' but in fact connotes global Soviet hegemony", highlighting a number of key doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger where they believed the government's intelligence analysts had failed.
According to Jack Davis, Wolfowitz observed later:. The B-Team demonstrated that it was possible to construct a sharply different view of Soviet motivation from the consensus view of the [intelligence] analysts and one that provided a much closer fit to the Soviets' observed behavior and also provided a much better forecast of subsequent behavior up to and through the invasion of Afghanistan.
The formal presentation of the competing views in a session out at [CIA headquarters in] Langley also made clear that the enormous experience and expertise of the B-Team as a group were formidable. Team B's conclusions have faced criticism. They have been called "worst-case analysis", ignoring the "political, demographic, and economic rot" already eating away at doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger Soviet system. Wolfowitz reportedly had a central role in Team B, mostly focused on analyzing the role that medium-range missiles played in Soviet military strategy.
Induring the Carter administration, Wolfowitz moved to the Pentagon. He was US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional Programs for the US Defense Departmentunder US Secretary of Defense Harold Brown. InWolfowitz resigned from the Pentagon and became a visiting professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies SAIS at Johns Hopkins University. Shortly thereafter, he joined the Republican Party.
According to The Washington Post : "He said it was not he who changed his political philosophy so much as the Democratic Party, which abandoned the hard-headed internationalism of Harry Truman, Kennedy and Jackson.
Following the election of President Ronald Reaganthe new National Security Advisor Richard V. Allen formed the administration's foreign policy advisory team. Allen initially rejected Wolfowitz's appointment but following discussions, instigated by former colleague John Lehmandoctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, Allen offered Wolfowitz the position of Director of Policy Planning at the Department of State, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger. President Reagan's foreign policy was heavily influenced by the Kirkpatrick Doctrineas outlined in a article in Commentary by Jeane Kirkpatrick entitled "Dictatorships and Double Standards".
Although most governments in the world are, as they always doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger been, autocracies of one kind or another, no idea holds greater sway in the mind of educated Americans than the belief that it is possible to democratize governments, anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances But decades, if not centuries, are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits.
Wolfowitz broke from this official line by denouncing Saddam Hussein of Iraq at a time when Donald Rumsfeld was offering the dictator support in his conflict with Iran. James Mann points out: "quite a few neo-conservatives, like Wolfowitz, believed strongly in democratic ideals; they had taken from the philosopher Leo Strauss the notion that there is a moral duty to oppose a leader who is a 'tyrant.
Mann stresses: "It was on China that Wolfowitz launched his boldest challenge to the established order. The Chinese were now pushing for the US to end arms sales to Taiwandoctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, and Wolfowitz used the Chinese incentive as an opportunity to undermine Kissinger's foreign policy toward China. Instead, Wolfowitz advocated a unilateralist policy, claiming that the US did not need China's assistance but that the Chinese needed the US to protect them against the far-more-likely prospect of a Soviet invasion of the Chinese mainland.
Doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger soon came into conflict with Secretary of State Alexander Haigwho had been Kissinger's assistant at the time of doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger visits to China. On March 30,The New York Times predicted that "Paul D. Wolfowitz, the director of policy planning will be replaced", because "Mr. Haig found Doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger. Wolfowitz too theoretical. Shultz replaced Haig as US Secretary of State, and Wolfowitz was promoted.
InSecretary of State Shultz appointed Wolfowitz as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Jeane Kirkpatrickon a visit to the Philippineswas welcomed by the dictator Ferdinand Marcos who quoted heavily from her Commentary article Dictatorships and Double Standards and although Kirkpatrick had been forced to speak-out in favor of doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger the article continued to influence Reagan's policy toward Marcos, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger.
Following the assassination of Philippine opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. in many within the Reagan administration including the President himself began to fear that the Philippines could fall to the communists and the US military would lose its strongholds at Clark Air Force Base and Subic Bay Naval Station. Wolfowitz tried to change the administration's policy, stating in an April 15, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, article in The Wall Street Journal that "The best antidote to Communism is democracy.
Mann points out that "the Reagan administration's decision to support democratic government in the Philippines had been hesitant, messy, crisis-driven and skewed by the desire to do what was necessary to protect the American military installations.
From todoctoral dissertation assistance kissinger, during the military-backed government of President SuhartoWolfowitz was the US Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia. Wolfowitz's appointment to Indonesia was not an immediately obvious match. He was a Jew representing America in the largest Muslim republic in the world, an advocate of democracy in Suharto's dictatorship.
But Wolfowitz's tenure as Ambassador was a notable success, largely owing to the fact that, in essence, he went native. With tutoring help from his driver, he learned the language, and hurled himself doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger the culture. He attended academic seminars, climbed volcanoes, and toured the neighborhoods of Jakarta.
Sipress and Nakashima report that "Wolfowitz's colleagues and friends, both Indonesian and American" pointed to the "U. envoy's quiet pursuit of political and economic reforms in Indonesia. HabibieSuharto's successor as head of state —99stated "that Wolfowitz was a competent and popular envoy. Officials involved in the AID program during Wolfowitz's tenure told The Washington Post that he "took a keen personal interest in development, including health care, agriculture and private sector expansion" and that "Wolfowitz canceled food assistance to the Indonesian government out of concern that Suharto's family, which had an ownership interest in the country's only flour mill, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger indirectly benefiting.
In "The Tragedy of Suharto", published in Mayin The Wall Street JournalWolfowitz states:. Although it is fashionable to blame all of Asia's present problems on corruption and the failure of Asian values, it is at bottom a doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger of a bubble bursting, of too many imprudent lenders chasing too many incautious borrowers.
But the greed of Mr. Suharto's children ensured that their father would take the lion's share of the blame for Indonesia's financial collapse. The Suharto children's favored position became a major obstacle to the measures needed to restore economic confidence, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger.
Worst of all, they ensured that the economic crisis would be a political crisis as well. That he allowed this, and that he amassed such wealth himself, is all the more mysterious since he lived a doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger modest life. After the Bali bombingon October 18,then Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz observed that "the reason the terrorists are successful in Indonesia is because the Suharto regime fell and the methods that were used to suppress them are gone.
From toWolfowitz served in the administration of George H. Bush as Under Secretary of Defense for Policyunder then US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney.
Wolfowitz was present with Cheney, Colin Powell and others, on February 27,at the meeting with the President where it was decided that the troops should be demobilised. On February 25, doctoral dissertation assistance kissinger,Wolfowitz testified before a congressional committee that he thought that "the best opportunity to overthrow Saddam was, unfortunately, lost in the month right after the war.
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The Phoenix Program (Vietnamese: Chiến dịch Phụng Hoàng) was a program designed and initialy coordinated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Vietnam War, involving the American, Australian and South Vietnamese militaries. In , CIA responsibility was phased out and the program was put under the authority of the Civil Operations and Revolutionary 0 1 2 1 2 Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, ) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, and former dean of Johns Hopkins blogger.com is currently a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.. He was an early advocate of the Iraq War and has widely been described as
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