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The UIC Business Liautaud Graduate School Master of Science in Marketing Program provides essential concepts and tools for a career in marketing. The program is ideal for students and young professionals with non-business degrees looking to transition to a marketing position or for business graduates seeking more specialized training in marketing. Our marketing program offers unique concentrations in Global and Master thesis social media marketing Marketing and in Marketing Researchin addition to a concentration in Advertising and Communications.
Or you can opt for a general MS in Marketing, a flexible option that you can customize to your professional interests. This credit hour program can be completed in one year of full-time study, or more than one year of part-time study.
Students may be assigned additional prerequisite coursework depending upon their academic and professional background. This program is perfect for recent graduates who are looking to gain business knowledge in an exciting and growing area. For those looking to switch careers, this program provides practical skills in a rapidly growing career field. Our marketing program takes advantage of our research master thesis social media marketing and couples theory with practical application.
Capstone Course In place of a thesis, each student will participate in a capstone course, which involves detailed analysis and problem solving with live cases. Students will work directly with sponsoring organizations and businesses on real marketing projects. Concentrations Students choose between three concentrations, Advertising and Marketing Communications, Global and Multicultural Marketing and Marketing Research to complete their degree.
Schedule Students may attend full-time or part-time. Students with basic business prerequisites can complete the program in as little as two semesters of full-time study. Students who have not completed the necessary prerequisites can begin in the summer term prior to starting the program in the fall semester in order to complete the program in 12 months of full-time study.
Part-time students may begin any semester. To calculate Tuition before scholarships, assistantships or financial aidvisit the Tuition and Fees page. Marketing candidates are in high demand, master thesis social media marketing.
This course focuses on the marketing of goods and services beyond domestic markets. Learn about distribution, promotion and pricing strategies, socio-cultural differences, and the economic, political and regulatory environments that influence international marketing strategy and decision making.
This three-course sequence will show you how to collect and use all types of data primary and secondary, quantitative and qualitative, master thesis social media marketing, analog and digital to better understand a dynamic marketplace and make effective marketing decisions.
Learn how to develop, execute and evaluate effective digital and social media marketing strategies. Study and analyze effective marketing tactics by designing, monitoring and managing traditional advertising, social master thesis social media marketing and digital marketing campaigns. Courses include: Consumer Behavior Marketing Communication and Promotion Strategy Digital and Social Media Marketing Brand Management Electronic Marketing.
Design marketing strategies with an emphasis on incorporating master thesis social media marketing perspectives into the marketing mix. Courses include: Multicultural Marketing International Business Operations International Marketing. Courses include: Consumer Behavior Marketing Research II Marketing and Business Intelligence. Your browser is unsupported We recommend using the latest version of IE11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Breadcrumbs Business Graduate Programs Graduate Degrees Master of Science in Marketing Master of Science in Marketing Master your marketing skills in as little as one year. Learn More.
Info and Careers. Cutting- Edge Curriculum This credit hour program can be completed in one year of full-time study, or more than one year of part-time study.
Marketing Core Courses Marketing Management Marketing Analytics Marketing Research Professional Presence Capstone Course In place of a thesis, each student will participate in a capstone course, which involves detailed analysis and problem solving with live cases.
Career Possibilities Marketing Manager Marketing Research Analyst Product Marketing Specialist Social Media Manager Digital Strategist Brand Manager. UIC Business Master of Science in Marketing. Program Faculty. Lan Nguyen Chaplin Associate Professor, master thesis social media marketing. Phone: Email: nguyenl uic. View Profile. Anna Cui Associate Professor.
Email: ascui uic. Benét DeBerry-Spence Professor and Department Head. Email: benet uic. David Gal Professor and Coordinator of Marketing PhD Program. Email: davidgal uic. Tom Healy Lecturer.
Email: thealy4 uic. Alan Malter Associate Professor and Director of Master of Science in Marketing MSM Graduate Studies. Email: amalter uic. Kim Moon Senior Lecturer. Email: kimmoon uic. Sajna Razi Clinical Assistant Professor.
Email: sajna uic. Ann Trampas Senior Lecturer. Email: annpr uic. Featured Courses. MKTG International Marketing This course focuses on the marketing of goods and services beyond domestic markets. MKTG Digital and Social Media Marketing Learn how to develop, execute and evaluate effective digital and social media marketing strategies. Advertising and Marketing Communications Study and analyze effective marketing tactics by designing, monitoring and managing traditional advertising, social media and master thesis social media marketing marketing campaigns.
Global and Multicultural Marketing Design marketing strategies with an emphasis on incorporating multicultural perspectives into the marketing mix. Graduate Back to main content.
Social Media Marketing Metrics All Marketers Should Know
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